How To Pay Digido Loan Thru Gcash
To pay a Digido loan through GCash, you'll typically follow these steps: Ensure Sufficient Funds : Make sure you have enough funds in your GCash account to cover the loan payment. Open GCash App : Launch the GCash app on your mobile device. Log In : Log in to your GCash account using your mobile number and PIN or biometrics. Select Pay Bills : Look for the "Pay Bills" option on the main menu. It's usually represented by a "Pay Bills" icon or text. Choose Digido as Biller : Scroll through the list of billers and select Digido or search for it using the search bar. Enter Loan Details : Enter the necessary details for your Digido loan payment, such as the loan account number or reference number and the amount you wish to pay. Review and Confirm : Double-check the information you entered to ensure accuracy, especially the loan account number and payment amount. Once you're satisfied, confirm the payment. Enter GCash PIN : You may be prompted to enter your ...